Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy 2010!

I plan on exhibiting bonus woe this year. Also, my plans at world domination will come to fruition, of that I am certain.
Mina is the woe


kissa-bull said...

hey world domination was right at the top of our list too for 2010 BOL
maybe we can take over the world together . . .
wishing you nothing but the best yummy tweats and slobbery kisses for the new year
brinks, bella , guero and coco chanel

The Oceanside Animals said...

I for one welcome our new adorable pup overlords ...

Shauna (Fido and Wino) said...

Hoping your world domination plans go smoothly! :) Happy New Year!

Kari in Alaska said...

I think Baily has the same resolution! Well minus the world domination. That would take too much effort

Hannah said...

I've missed you, Mina! :]

Amber-Mae said...

Hey guys! How have you been?

Love licks & Hugs,
Solid Gold Dancer

pam said...

mY MOMMY CALLS mE mINA alL dA TIEM. bUT mY nAME is mEjA AS IN meehaa.

fUNNY huH??